From the Principal

Principal's Update

Welcome to Term 3 everyone, Our 2021 theme; "Be strong and courageous; for God is with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9.' remains very relevant to the Damascus community in these...

College Information & Events

School Improvement Surveys are Coming

The School Improvement Surveys are key tools that provide the College with data from staff, students, and parents to assist in understanding how well our College is operating. Th...

College Information & Events

Holidays Revision Session

Year 12 VCE students had the opportunity over the school holidays to participate in a range of trial exams and revision workshops. Students studying Religion and Society gathered...

Maya is recognised as a future leader

Learning & Teaching

Alumni Elle-Loise Smith & Careers Workshops

As part of the Excel Program, the Careers team invited guest speakers from leading Universities to answer questions about pathway choices to assist students with upcoming subject s...

College Information & Events

140 year anniversary - Br Frank Hennessy

2021 marks the 140 year anniversary of our college, and we are proud to celebrate this milestone throughout this year. As part of our celebrations, key members of our community w...

Learning & Teaching

Pathways and Subject Selection & Information Evening

Damascus College offers a holistic educational experience with a range of innovative learning and teaching subjects and programs, to maximise the educational outcomes for our stude...

Student Achievement

Spelling Bee - Cast, Crew & Directors

The annual performing arts production of The Spelling Bee kicks off next week on Wednesday 21st July, 8pm. A talented cast of around twenty performers will bring this story to lif...

College Information & Events

Exclusive invitation for Parents of Damascus College

We pleased to let you know the events are returning for term 3, with the first one starting next Wednesday on July 21st. Next steps To extend the invitation to your parent bod...