College Information & Events
30 November
Last Wednesday 23 November, Damascus students participated in a Drama Showcase at the Valda Ward Auditorium.
Within Performing Arts at Damascus, it is in the environment of live theatre that the young performer is ultimately tested and rewarded. It is the beginnings of performer confidence and experience. It is for that reason why events like this week's drama showcase are so important.
The College’s regular program of showcases serve the specific purpose of publicly recognizing and applauding the achievements of students within the department. We believe that this kind of event is different from a School Production in that it provides greater opportunity to display a wide range of students and their talents.
The work within the public presentation last Wednesday, was only recently assessed as Semester 2 performance tasks set within the classroom. On viewing these we felt that some of these pieces showed great potential and deserved a wider viewing than simply their classmates. On display was a range of scripted pieces from Year 9 students and three original solo performance pieces by Year 11, Unit 2 students. The appreciative audience attending provided these talented students a wonderful opportunity to gain performance experience and hone their craft.
Well done to all students involved.
Andrew Seeary
Performing Arts Coordinator, Drama