From the Deputy Principal
04 September By Chris Grant, Deputy Principal
As the term draws to a conclusion, we look forward next week to Damascus Day. A day that we celebrate the rich history of the College, acknowledging our founders, the significant people involved in, and the path that they took, to make Damascus College the rich and vibrant community that it is today.
One of the great traditions of our Damascus Day is the announcement of our College Captains for the next school year. Our 2023 school captains, Sophie Bussutil and Xavier Byrne, have been wonderful role models and ambassadors for the College. Again, this year, an extraordinarily talented group of young leaders expressed interest in this role, and I congratulate all candidates for having the courage to put their hand up to lead – each of their contributions will be invaluable to the future growth of our school community.
We look forward to Sophie and Xavier handing over to our new College captains throughout Term 4. House Captain selection processes is occurring this week, with results for both School Captains and House captains being announced on Damascus Day.
As you would be aware, the College is embarking on the build of a new Senior learning centre, which will be positioned between Building 7, and Building 2. Throughout the term break, the building site will be fenced off to maintain a clear a safe boundary away from the new building. With this occurring, it does close off an area of the school from recreation space during recess and lunch. Student access to the Blue Courts, Mud Brick House and Horticulture space will still be available, but carefully managed.
It was fantastic to welcome Fathers and special people to our annual Fathers Day breakfast last week. It was an enjoyable morning with almost 300 members of our community in attendance. I congratulate the Faith team, along with the Marketing and Development team for their coordination and management of the event.
With one week to go, I wish everyone a fantastic and enjoyable Term break – fingers crossed for some warmer weather.